For More Information

Juan Villa
International Trade and Border Transportation Program
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Ph. (979) 317-2471
[email protected]

Laredo, Texas.

TTI’s Laredo office is located in the A.R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business’ Texas Center for Border Economic and Enterprise Development (TCBEED) at Texas A&M International University. Research conducted in the office includes studies at the Texas-Mexico border related to international trade, cross-border transportation, supply chain logistics, technology assessment and implementation, and data analysis. The office also organizes educational and community outreach programs to support the local trade community and its various stakeholders.

Map to the TTI Laredo Office

Texas A&M International University
Anthony J. and Georgia A. Pellegrino Hall
5201 University Boulevard
Laredo, TX 78041
ph. (979) 317-2471

Anthony J. and Georgia A. Pellegrino Hall, 5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, Texas


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