MOSERS Update Survey The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is in the process of working with the Texas Department of Transportation to update the Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies (MOSERS). The current version of the guide and further information is available at As part of this effort, TTI is surveying Texas’ transportation and air quality practitioners to obtain their input regarding their current use of the MOSERS guide and the emissions reduction strategies that are most commonly evaluated using the methodologies provided in this guidebook. We request you to fill in this short survey to help us in updating the MOSERS guide – your input will be very valuable to us and is most appreciated! Name First Last Organization Job Title Years on the Job Email 1. Have you or your organization used the Texas Guide to Accepted Mobile Source Emission Reduction Strategies in the past five years? Yes No 2a. If Yes, for what purpose? For evaluation of Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) projects For reporting of emissions reductions/to obtain SIP credits For other grant/funding source applications General sketch-planning/project evaluation purposes Other (please specify): 2b. If No, please explain why Unaware of the MOSERS guidebook The need did not arise Other methodologies/sources were used instead Other (Please specify): 3a. Select the top three strategies you or your organization has used/evaluated using the MOSERS guide or similar methods: Public Transit Expansion Traffic Signal Optimization Traffic Flow Improvements Intersection Improvements Trip-Reduction Ordinances High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities Park-and-Ride/Fringe Parking Vehicle Use Limitations/Restrictions Reducing Extended Vehicle Idling Vehicle Purchase and Repowering Employer-Based Transportation Management Programs Bicycle & Pedestrian Programs Area-Wide Rideshare Incentives Other (Please specify) 3b. What resources, guidance, and information on transportation and air quality would be most useful to you and your organization?4. As a potential future user of the MOSERS guide, what specific issues in terms of general information, data needs and computation methods would you like to see addressed?5. Please provide any other comments or feedback for the TTI team to consider as we update the MOSERS guide:6. Would you be willing to serve on the MOSERS Review Subcommittee of the Technical Working Group on Mobile Source Emissions (TWG) Yes No Δ