Two Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC) students were among the 20 selected nationwide to attend the seventh annual Leadership Development Conference sponsored by the Eno Transportation Foundation. Josias Zietsman, a graduate student of civil engineering at Texas A&M University and Michael P. Hunter, a graduate student of transportation engineering at the University of Texas-Austin, attended the conference held May 23-27, 1999 in Washington, D.C.
The SWUTC is a cooperative program between Texas A&M, the University of Texas-Austin and Texas Southern University that revolves around transportation research, technology transfer and education. The program is headquartered at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI).
The Leadership Development Conference gave the students a unique opportunity to learn about the policy process and how their transportation careers are linked to events that take place in Washington, D.C. Presentations were given by many of the nation’s transportation leaders including government officials, lobbyists, association heads, Congressmen and Congressional staff.
Through a highly competitive process, the students now join 126 alumni known as Eno Fellows. The Foundation will allow the Fellows to maintain contact and serve as an educational forum throughout the advancement of their careers.