Ing. Salvador Fernández Ayala, Presidente de la XXV Mesa Directiva Nacional de la Asociación Mexicana de Ingeniería de Vías Terrestres (AMIVTAC), invited TTI Research Scientist Juan Carlos Espinosa and TTI Associate Transportation Researcher Micah Leonard to present at AMIVTAC’s 50th Anniversary. AMIVTAC, a prestigious association of engineers specializing in land transportation infrastructure, was founded with the support of the Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes, and has been instrumental in shaping the growth of Mexico’s transportation infrastructure.
This milestone celebration of five decades of achievements brought together over 350 professionals. Leonard presented on the Safe Systems Approach and its holistic and practical application in Texas, “Experiencias de éxito en la aplicación del enfoque de Sistema Seguro.” Espinosa presented on transportation infrastructure actions in Texas aimed at supporting nearshoring needs in Mexico, “Acciones de Infraestructura de transporte terrestre en Texas para satisfacer las necesidades de nearshoring en México.”
Their presentations were well-received by AMIVTAC’s president, former presidents and both current and former Subsecretaries of Infrastructure of Mexico, emphasizing TTI’s contributions to transportation and safety in both Texas and across the border, making it an unforgettable experience for all involved.