The I-35 corridor is getting an overhaul between Hillsboro and Salado. There is new traveler information available to you. Frequent night time lane closures in this span of construction could cause some travel delay to Dallas, Austin and San Antonio I-35 commuters who travel through this area.
As motorists who regularly travel I-35 through Central Texas know, construction work is well under way to dramatically improve mobility and safety in the busy corridor, increasing capacity by 33 percent. Providing travelers with information about potential construction-related delays — both before and during their trip along the entire 96-mile construction zone — is an integral part of the construction effort. TxDOT has a number of information channels for local and through-travelers, so travelers can sign up for the information they want, decide how effective these channels are for them and take the survey to let us know how we’re doing (prior to March 31, 2014).
The updated traveler information map organizes information into tabs: closures, alerts, signs, trip planner and weather. (Smartphone users will also have a map tab as part of the design being responsive to your device.) Closures list all the current closures on main lanes, frontage roads, ramps and cross streets. The alert tab lists any incidents currently reported as well as all updates until the incident is cleared. The signs tab lists all travel time signs in the corridor. By clicking on the individual headings in these tabs, the map will change to that sign location.
The trip planner tab allows you to customize a trip, either in real time or for the future by date, time, starting point, and destination. Based on your selections, the planner details any lane closures, their estimated delays, and the estimated total trip time. The weather tab displays current weather conditions for major destinations along I-35 in the Waco District, and allows you to check the forecast for that area.
Researchers from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute want to hear from travelers about what information is useful, what isn’t, and what more could be provided. To participate in the brief, anonymous survey, visit http://my35survey.org. Survey results will be used to evaluate and improve current traveler information efforts.
My35 Central Texas Traveler Information Resources:
- My35.org is the hub for information resources for both planning your trip and remaining aware of any incidents that might occur on I-35.
- Real-time project map provides speeds, lane closures, traffic delays, travel times, incidents and a trip planner and can be customized to your direction of travel.
- DriveTexas.org is your #1 resource for planning your route wherever you’re driving in Texas.
- TxDOT twitter feeds give you both general and specific information (your choice) about travel conditions on I-35.
- @My35TravelTimes keeps you apprised of travel delays in the Central Texas section of I-35.
- @TxDOTWacoPIO provides general updates of what TxDOT is doing in and for the Waco District, with special emphasis on I-35 conditions.
- @I35Travel sends information regarding the entire length of I-35 within Texas.
- Email alerts – Sign up for regular updates on I-35 construction.
- Central Texas My35 travel notifications provide daily updates, 7-day closure forecasts, and high-impact closure forecasts.
- Central Texas incident alerts provide email alerts about unexpected incidents (e.g., a wreck, an emergency lane closure).
Efforts to improve the I-35 corridor throughout the state would not be possible without the support of local governments, the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress. In addition to the ongoing $1.9 billion construction expansion of I-35 through TxDOT’s Waco District, a number of critical projects are underway in the Dallas/Fort Worth region to improve I-35 connections to I-820 and I-635 thanks to a partnership with the private sector. Meanwhile, TxDOT continues to plan for the long-term future of the I-35 corridor through the My35 citizen-driven planning initiative. For more information about I-35 expansion projects, the My35 planning effort, or to see a summary of the survey results once the survey is completed, visit http://www.my35.org/.
Follow the My35 Expansion Project and learn about I-35 travel delays on Twitter at @I35Travel or @My35TravelTimes and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TxDOT.