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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Name | Title/Program | Phone |
Wagner, Duane | Director, Facilities, Safety, and Support Services Facilities, Safety & Support Services | (979) 317-2076 |
Wagner, Lisa | Program Specialist III System Reliability | (979) 317-2834 |
Walden, Troy | Senior Research Scientist Center for Transportation Safety | (979) 317-2526 |
Walk, Michael | TTI Research Scientist Transit Mobility | (512) 407-1135 |
Wallace, Diana | Senior IT Professional I Research & Implementation - Fort Worth | (817) 462-0515 |
Wallace, Ja'Keveaun | IT Professional I Network and Information Systems | (979) 317-2251 |
Wallis, Jason | TTI Associate Research Scientist Freight Analysis | (979) 317-2458 |
Walubita, Lubinda F. | TTI Research Scientist Flexible Pavements | (979) 317-2301 |
Wang, Jueyu | TTI Assistant Research Scientist Regulatory Analysis & Engagement | |
Wang, Tengxi(Daniel) | TTI Assistant Research Scientist Visual Analytics | (979) 317-2286 |
Ward, Travis | Software Applications Developer IV Communications | (979) 317-2399 |
Warner, Jeff | TTI Research Scientist Multimodal Freight | (979) 317-2567 |
Waters, Gus | Research Specialist II Environmental Testing Facilities | (979) 317-2821 |
Watkins, Zach | Software Engineer III Communications | (979) 317-2382 |
Wenzel, Jack | Manager, Marketing and Communications Communications | (979) 317-2392 |
West, Kelly | Communications Specialist III Communications | (979) 317-2352 |
Whetstone, Gavin | Graduate Assistant - Research Center for Railway Research | |
White, L.D. | Research Data Scientist Visual Analytics | (979) 317-2249 |
Williams, Natalie | Financial Accountant III Financial Services | (979) 317-2747 |
Williams, William | TTI Associate Research Engineer Infrastructure Protection | (979) 317-2707 |
Wilson, Bryan | TTI Associate Research Engineer Pavement Management | (979) 317-2331 |
Wilson, Clay | Security Analyst II Network and Information Systems | (979) 317-2236 |
Wimsatt, Andrew | TTI Research Engineer Rigid Pavements | (512) 407-1143 |
Winfree, Gregory D. | Director, Agency Administration | (979) 317-2677 |
Womack, Katie | TTI Senior Research Scientist Behavioral Research | (979) 317-2532 |
Womack, Rochelle | Project Specialist III Network and Information Systems | (979) 317-2211 |
Wood, Nick | TTI Associate Research Engineer Connected Infrastructure | (512) 407-1115 |
Wu, Jason | TTI Associate Research Scientist Research & Implementation - Dallas | (972) 994-2203 |
Wu, Lingtao | TTI Associate Research Engineer Crash Analytics | (979) 317-2530 |
Wunderlich, Robert | TTI Senior Research Engineer Center for Transportation Safety | (979) 317-2504 |