Comparison of the Use of TxDOT Seeding Mixes and Fertilizer Rates to the Use of Native Grass
J.A. McFalls, M. Li, J.R. Schutt, D.C. Foster, J. Lee
Publication Date:
July 2007
Native varieties of grasses, having evolved over many eons, have clearly demonstrated their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions and create stable vegetation communities. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has been seeding native grass species along with adapted grass species as part of its vegetation establishment program for many years. Over the past decade, the use of native grasses has greatly increased as more people have become aware of their restoration and habitat advantages as well as their beauty. TxDOT would like to test the feasibility of using an all-native species seeding mix for use in the establishment of roadside vegetation in roadway construction projects. This project surveys available native grass species and tests selected varieties as part if a mix under roadside conditions to determine which if any, may be desirable additions to the current seeding program.
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