Circumstances Surrounding Fatal Crashes Involving 15-Passenger Vans, 1985 - 2004
D.K. Willis
Publication Date:
March 2006
The objective of this report was to document the circumstances surrounding fatal crashes that involved at least one 15-passenger van over the twenty year period, 1985 - 2004. The study covered 1,610 vans and drivers and a total of 8,594 occupants.
The study found that restraint use was very low among the occupants of these vehicles. Fifty-six percent of the drivers killed were unrestrained, as were 57% of front-seat passengers, and 71% of rear seat occupants.
Restraint use also fell as occupancy rose. Overall, only 19% of those killed were restrained.
Rollover was a major factor in these crashes. Sixty-three percent of those killed died in a crash involving a rollover. As has been found in previous research, the likelihood of rollover rose dramatically with increases in occupancy beyond 7-8 occupants.
Tire failure was an issue in both rollovers and fatalities. Nearly 10% of the fatalities and 16% of incapacitating injuries occurred in crashes involving a tire-related factor. Ninety-six percent of the vehicles with a tire failure rolled over.
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