Assessment of Multiple Layers of Security Screening of Trucks by Customs Border Protection in El Paso, Texas
R.S. Trotter, B.K. Manak
Publication Date:
August 2013
The growth in the number of vehicles crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has caused congestion on bridge infrastructures and adjacent roadways, which adds to the cost of doing business. To address these issues, the U.S. and Mexican governments have developed trusted shipper programs, such as the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) and Free and Secure Trade (FAST) in the United States, and Nuevo Esquema de Empresas Certificades (NEEC) in Mexico. The goal of both countries is to increase membership in their trusted shipper programs with the goal of increasing border security and reducing border wait times.
This research project focused on border congestion at two international bridge crossings and a land border crossing. The goal was to determine how these crossings were being used and to determine possible enhancements needed to meet expected growth. Researchers assessed current conditions, and reviewed border wait times and the projected growth analysis. Together with the Coalicion Empresarial Pro Libre Comercio, researchers conducted a bilingual survey of 250 cross-border companies, conducted an extensive literature review, and interviewed border specialists.
Several companies were not members of the trusted shipper programs for various reasons, such as membership fees and the year-long application process. Negative economic impact due to border wait times is projected to more than double in 2017, and the crossings will become more congested. Researchers strongly urge membership in the trusted shipper programs to improve border wait times at the border crossings. The team sees working together to form public-private partnerships as the way to address growing border congestion.
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