An Overview of the Development of a TxDOT In-Service Performance Evaluation Process for Roadside Safety Features
I. van Schalkwyk, R.P. Bligh, D.C. Alberson, D. Lance Bullard, Jr., D. Lord, S. Miaou
Publication Date:
August 2006
This project summary report summarizes the research performed in Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Project 0-4366. Researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) developed a customized in-service performance evaluation (ISPE) process for evaluating roadside safety devices (e.g., guardrails, concrete barriers, end treatments, crash cushions, and special sign support designs) for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). TTI evaluated the process in a six-month pilot test at four local maintenance offices: Central Houston Section, San Antonio Metro Maintenance Section, Fort Worth Central Maintenance Section, and Buffalo Maintenance Section.
Although the pilot test was designed to test methodology, it also demonstrated that the ISPE process can be implemented with success in Texas. The researchers recommend the implementation of a two-phased ISPE process in Texas. In Phase I, the screening phase, a roadside safety device is continuously monitored or on a dedicated one-year track, i.e., identifying potential problem areas with some or all of the roadside safety devices included in the ISPE process. During Phase II, a detailed ISPE is performed on a particular device that warranted further investigation based on the findings of Phase I. Maintenance personnel visiting the sites where roadside safety devices have been impacted and require repair or replacement would conduct the site investigation.
A detailed project report (0-4366-1) includes training material for the ISPE process and guidelines for analyzing data and implementing an ISPE process in Texas.
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