As-Built Properties of Test Pavements on IH-20 in Atlanta District
A. Chowdhury, J.W. Button, A. Bhasin
Publication Date:
March 2003
The primary objectives of this research project were to measure as-built properties of nine test pavements and populate a database to be used in a future project for evaluating relationships between pavement performance and measured properties during construction. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Atlanta District constructed nine test sections on IH-20 in Harrison County. These sections were constructed with nine (three mixture types x three aggregate types) different mixtures as surface courses. Type B limestone mixture was used as asphaltic concrete pavement base for all nine test sections. Several agencies participated in both field and lab testing and data collection. Different field and lab tests were performed before, during, and after construction. Researchers from Texas Transportation Institute conducted several laboratory tests including asphalt pavement analyzer (APA), permeability, mixture proportion, and indirect tensile tests on both roadway cores and plant mixes. Dynamic modulus tests were conducted only on plant mix materials. Results from the tests performed by other agencies were collected for analysis and populating the database. This report documents the as-built properties. Detailed test results and as-built properties were recorded in electronic format on a compact disk and provided to TxDOT with this report. Nine test sections were grouped and ranked on the basis of their laboratory test results. All the mixtures were of good quality; so their lab test results were not much different from each other. Preliminary assessment reveals that field air void contents affect performance significantly, especially permeability and indirect tensile strength. Another important factor for quality control is to maintain proper asphalt content during plant production.
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