Symposium Summary:
A two page summary of discussions at the 5th Mileage Based User Fees Symposium, by Richard “Trey” Baker.
Are Mileage-Based User Fees the Right Tool For the Job?
A video explaining mileage-based user fees, including highlights of the fifth annual MBUF symposium.
April 24, 2013
Nashville, TN
Held in conjunction with the ITS America Annual Meeting and Exposition
Hosted by:
- Texas A&M Transportation Institute
With support from the Mobility Management Program - ITS America
- University of Minnesota, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Sponsored by:
- Reason Foundation
In its fifth year, the MBUF symposium brought together professionals in the field of road user fees to share information and advance the discussion of usage-based fees. This year’s symposium focused on enabling technologies and systems and engaging the ITS community in articulating a path forward. The symposium incorporated plenary sessions and interactive discussion sessions to address the following questions:
- What are the mileage-based fee research and development activities underway at the state level, and what is the future direction based on what we’ve learned?
- What is the range of policy-to-practice challenges to advancing mileage-based fees?
- What are the feasible and politically viable deployment approaches for reporting mileage and paying a mileage fee?
- What is the potential role of the ITS industry and its range of stakeholders in advancing usage-based fees?
- How can vehicle technologies play a role in mileage-based fee solutions?
- What are the private sector opportunities for assessing and collecting fees, and what is the public sector’s role under this model?
- What are the research needs moving forward?