NCHRP Report 708: A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation Agencies (2011)

Sustainability has become a key component in transportation planning at all levels of government, but until now, few tools were available to help planners develop meaningful ways to measure the effectiveness of these efforts. Performance measurement has evolved over the decades into an effective way to quantify and communicate progress toward meeting goals and objectives. Developing these measures is often complicated. This guidebook offers transportation agencies a series of practical, easy-to-use tools to continuously integrate sustainability into current agency performance measurement programs. The guidebook is available at the Transportation Research Board website:
NCHRP Report 414: HOV Systems Manual (1998)

This is a comprehensive, user-friendly guide that covers almost every topic pertaining to high-occupancy vehicle facilities — policy considerations, planning, designing, marketing, implementing, operating and enforcing. The largest report ever published at the time, this 4-inch-tall three-ring binder (now available online at still serves as the resource recommended for planners, engineers, marketing specialists, transit operators and police responsible for all aspects of HOV facilities.
NCHRP Report 350: Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features (1993)

This report, which updated its 1980 predecessor NCHRP Report 230, served as the full-scale crash-testing and evaluation standard from 1993 to 2009. The report responded to changes in the vehicle fleet, the emergence of new barrier designs, safety belt policies and laws, and advances in computer simulation and other evaluation methods. The publication accomplished its goal of effectively meeting the needs for national uniform safety performance evaluation procedures in the 21st century and was twice the size of its predecessor, providing a wider range of test procedures for a wider range of devices, and using a ¾-ton pickup in place of the 4,500-pound passenger car.
NCHRP Report 224: Guidelines for Recycling Pavement Materials (1980)
Directed at practicing highway engineers, this landmark publication is still considered the “bible of asphalt recycling,” encompassing all portions of the pavement maintenance cycle, beginning with early detection of pavement problems, establishing the cause(s) of the problems and presenting the most effective methods of rehabilitating pavement. These comprehensive guidelines also cover the full range of pavement recycling, including various recycling approaches and procedures, equipment needs, environmental effects, energy requirements, and the economic effects.