SWUTC Director,
Senior Research Scientist
“As director of the Southwest Region University Transportation Center [SWUTC] for 25 years, it was my privilege to help advance the mission of the UTC Program,” says Senior Research Scientist Dock Burke, now retired from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). “We mentored more than 1,300 college students and reached some 14,000 K–12 students with our outreach programs, and that was just with SWUTC — only one of the eight UTCs TTI has been a part of. Without the UTC Program, the transportation profession’s bench of expertise would be far poorer in its depth and breadth.”

First year of UTC grants awarded, including TTI for SWUTC

TTI-led UTCs

TTI-partnered UTCs (where another university led the center)

TTI-conducted UTC research projects

$63.4 M
research dollars awarded to TTI through the UTC Program