Researchers at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) recently formulated scenarios for how CV/AV technologies might be deployed. Using the scenarios as context, the research team interviewed state and local transportation agency personnel and then created flexible strategies to prepare for potential issues arising from implementation. As Senior Research Scientist Johanna Zmud explains, “The goal […]
automated vehicle
Poe Selected as Strategy Lead for TTI’s CV/AV Transportation Research
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) has chosen Dr. Christopher Poe, P.E., senior research engineer and assistant agency director, as its Connected and Automated (CV/AV) Transportation Strategy Lead. Poe comes to this new position with more than 30 years of experience in transportation system operations and intelligent transportation systems (ITS) research and in leading and […]
An Old Notion, A New Future: We’ve Been Automating Vehicles Right from the Start
When we talk about automating vehicles today, it sometimes sounds very futuristic. Relinquishing driving duties to a computer is a scary thought for some. But one thing to remember is that automating vehicles isn’t a new idea. It began over a hundred years ago with the notion of tying automation to safety. You probably know […]
TTI Study Examines Policy Implications of Automated Vehicles
The widespread presence of self-driving vehicles is still many years away. To manufacturers, those years represent a long and anxious wait to get their products to market. Government decision-makers, on the other hand, might view the wait as a good thing, since they will need all the time they can get to work through the […]
Accelerating Texas into the Future
Development of Smarter Transportation is a Critical Component of the 21st Century System The ever-changing landscape of transportation needs and new technologies — as well as funding issues and a rapidly growing population — have created a complex set of transportation issues for the state of Texas. The future of the transportation system is rooted […]
TTI Developing New Automated and Connected Transportation Test Bed
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) shares an industry vision where vehicle collisions are eliminated. Vehicles will interact — through technology — with other vehicles, drivers, the infrastructure, pedestrians and bicyclists to prevent crashes. The entire transportation system will be connected in a way that transforms how people live, work and interact. Achieving this vision […]
John Maddox Joins TTI/UMTRI
In a groundbreaking partnership, John Maddox has joined the University of Michigan Transportation Institute (UMTRI) and Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) as the director of collaborative program strategies. Maddox was formerly the associate administrator of vehicle safety research at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Maddox will be based out of UMTRI’s headquarters in Ann […]