The City of Bryan will introduce two electric self-driving trolleys to Downtown Bryan this October in partnership with the Texas A&M College of Engineering, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), and Governor’s University Research Initiative (GURI). In contrast to other programs, the Downtown Bryan location provides a pedestrian rich environment […]
TTI Agency Director Winfree to Serve on Panel at ITS World Congress in Copenhagen
The traveling public and the freight and logistics community have been hearing for years that a state of the art 21st century transportation network is nearly upon on us. But it is not that simple, is it? TTI Agency Director Greg Winfree and others will engage in a panel discussion titled: Delivering Effective Cooperative, Connected […]
3M Investment at A&M, TTI Will Advance Connected and Automated Vehicle Technology
First major industry partnership at the RELLIS Campus On Tuesday, May 8, 3M Company announced a $1.6 million investment in The Texas A&M University System’s evolving RELLIS Campus. The funding will be used to build a simulated rain range to support research by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and Texas A&M University in connected […]
TTI Staff Participates in SXSW Sessions
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) was well represented at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Conference in Austin, TX. SXSW Interactive focuses on emerging technology, a focus which has earned the festival a reputation as a breeding ground for new ideas and creative technologies. TTI Agency Director Greg Winfree participated in the fourth-annual […]
Who’s Driving the Revolution?: Latest Edition of Texas Transportation Researcher Now Available
New technologies are revolutionizing our transportation system. In a few decades, cars could be driving themselves. How the private and public sectors work together to implement these new technologies will prove key to ensuring a seamless, safe and secure transportation network in the future. The latest issue of the Texas Transportation Researcher focuses on TTI’s […]
TTI Issues RFI for Connected and Automated Transportation Pilot Projects
As a nationally recognized leader in transportation technology research, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) has issued an Request for Information (RFI) to conduct pilot demonstrations and proofs of concept for connected and automated transportation technology and services that are readily deployable. The purpose of the RFI, which was issued through TTI’s Accelerate Texas Center, […]