Few scenarios are more terrifying for a motorist than encountering someone driving the wrong way on a freeway. When a crash occurs because of wrong-way driving (WWD), the results are often catastrophic. Such was the case on March 15, 2011, when San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) Officer Stephanie Brown was killed by an intoxicated WWD […]
Safer by Design: New TTI Tool Prioritizes Roadway Safety from the Get-Go
MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE — that’s the old carpenter’s adage aimed at improving quality and reducing error. A new tool created by researchers at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) can help engineers achieve similar efficiencies when designing roadways while saving lives and reducing injuries. Typically, roadway designs are largely dictated by engineering decisions driven […]
A Team Effort: Toyota Project Brings Together Multiple Institutions to Create Crash Countermeasures
In 2013, Robert Wunderlich, director of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Center for Transportation Safety gathered a team of researchers to work on a project funded by the Toyota Economic Loss Settlement — money set aside for transportation safety research. The project’s goal was to find methods to reduce crashes caused by vehicle- and/or […]
TTI’s Toyota Project Aims to Proactively Detect Driver Stress, Vehicle Errors
Can driver stress levels and abnormal vehicle operations be detected and measured to help prevent crashes? Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers and members of its multidisciplinary, multi-institution team have completed the second year of a three-year project looking at that question. So far, the answer seems to be a resounding “yes.” The TTI project […]