3.3B Total freight tons transported* $3T Total worth of freight shipped* 313,000 Roadway centerline miles* 600B Truck trips annually ~39.6B Data points sorted annually via algorithm to assess freight fluidity and better understand truck parking *The Economic Role of Freight in Texas – Executive Summary published by the Texas Department of Transportation (April 2021).
freight fluidity
TTI Develops Guidebook for Implementing Freight Fluidity in Texas
The efficient movement of goods is vital to the Texas economy, whatever the mode of transportation — via airports, highways, railways or waterways. Any disruption in the supply chain that prevents goods from moving efficiently can add not only to the costs of producing and shipping goods, but also to the variability and pricing of […]
The Last Stop with Greg Winfree: More Reliable, More Resilient — A Supply Chain Is Only as Strong as Its Weakest (Data) Link
We’re in the middle of a global supply chain crisis. A shortage of supplies and workers, especially truck drivers, has combined with a post-pandemic surge in demand to create bottlenecks. Add to that the impact of COVID-19 mitigation strategies (some of which are still in force) on goods movement, particularly across national borders. According to […]
Technology, New Concepts Drive Future Freight Movement Investments
Although we often take the safe, efficient movement of freight for granted, our local and global economies depend on it. Whatever the path — highways, railways, waterways, airports, ports of entry, pipelines — reliably getting goods to market drives the heartbeat of our economy. Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers are at the forefront of […]