Getting accurate, continuous travel information can be difficult for binational metropolitan regions like El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. As a result, international cross-border trips often go underrepresented in travel demand and behavior analysis studies. This can be caused by a number of factors, including time and budget limits and boundary issues associated with […]
travel behavior
Survey Says: More Texans Turning to Phone Apps, Websites to Avoid Traffic
Texans are relying more on information from smartphones and websites to make routine travel decisions than they did two years ago, according to new research from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). Conducted this summer, the survey found that 70 percent of respondents had recently used a smartphone app for navigation or route guidance, up […]
Walk, Don’t Drive: Active Transportation May Provide More than Health Benefits
In the United States, more people live in suburbs than in central cities, and suburbanites drive automobiles or rely on mass transit to get to and from work. The construction of highways with multiple lanes and faster speed limits has been a common response to meet the growth of sprawling cities and the widespread ownership […]
Aging Drivers Expected to Impact Transportation Landscape
TTI, TAMHSC Lead Global Research Effort It’s no secret that we are living longer, healthier lives. But, does that also mean we are driving longer and traveling more? If so, it could have a dramatic impact on congestion, safety, public transportation and numerous other transportation issues — not only in the United States, but around […]
Most Texans Support More Funding for Transportation, New Poll Shows
Traffic congestion in Texas continues to worsen each year, but that’s not changing how the vast majority of Texans feel about their cars and trucks. This and a variety of other insights come from the first Texas Transportation Poll conducted by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s Transportation Policy Research Center (PRC). The survey examines the […]