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Center for Infrastructure RenewalFor More Information
Dr. Edith Arámbula-Mercado
Deputy Director, Center for Infrastructure Renewal
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
Ph. (979) 317-2299
[email protected]
The 138,000 square-foot Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) is a state-of-the-art research center that is a leading source for developing transformative infrastructure solutions. The center, which was funded by the Texas Legislature in 2015, provides the facilities and the multidisciplinary research environments for attracting significant cross-industry and government agency participation, as well as educating the 21st century workforce needed to build and operate this new infrastructure. The research conducted at the CIR improves the safety, security, longevity, efficiency, performance, resiliency, financial feasibility and sustainability of state and national infrastructure.
The Center’s 12 laboratories focus on the development of transformative infrastructure solutions, innovating new materials, technologies and processes to create solutions that last longer, have lower costs and can be built in less time. CIR research is focused on nine critical infrastructure sectors: transportation systems; chemical; communications; critical manufacturing; smart energy; information technology; nuclear reactors, materials and waste; and water and wastewater systems.
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station