National Centers
TTI is home to several national centers, some of which TTI is leading and others in which TTI is a primary partner.
Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy and Health (CARTEEH) — Lead

Established in 2016, CARTEEH is a Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) located at TTI that focuses on the impact of transportation emissions on human health.
National Center for Infrastructure Transformation — Partner

The National Center for Infrastructure Transformation, led by Prairie View A&M University, is a national-tier University Transportation Center (UTC) focusing on improving the durability and extending the life of transportation infrastructure through its research, education, and technology transfer programs.
Maritime Transportation Research and Education Center (MarTREC) — Partner

Previously funded and renewed in 2016, MarTREC is a USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center (UTC) located at the University of Arkansas. The center focuses on preserving the existing U.S. transportation system by conducting a multidisciplinary program of maritime and multimodal transportation research, education, and technology transfer.
National Institute for Congestion Reduction — Partner

Established in 2019, the National Institute for Congestion Reduction is a USDOT National University Transportation Center (UTC) located at the University of South Florida. The Center seeks to optimize the transportation system by providing multimodal congestion reduction strategies through real-world deployments that leverage advances in technology, big data science and innovative transportation.
Center for Railway Research — Lead

Established in 2011, the center, located at TTI, includes a research laboratory sponsored by the Association of American Railroads and focuses on engineering problems confronting the railroad industry.
Southern Plains Transportation Center — Partner

The Southern Plains Transportation Center, located at The University of Oklahoma, is a consortium of 11 universities from USDOT Region 6 dedicated to providing solutions for climate-related transportation challenges across the region.
Southern Regional Climate Center — Partner

The Southern Regional Climate Center moved to The Texas A&M University System in 2021 and is housed in Texas A&M’s College of Geosciences. TTI is a supporting entity in the center tasked with conducting research into the impacts of extreme weather on transportation.
Center for Transportation Computational Mechanics — Lead

The center, located at TTI, was designated by the Federal Highway Administration in 1998 to develop and use computer simulation in testing and analyses.
State Centers
TTI is home to several centers created by the state of Texas or at the Institute level.
Center for Alcohol and Drug Education Studies — Lead

The center was initially created at Texas A&M University and moved to TTI in 2012 as part of the Center for Transportation Safety.
Center for Infrastructure Renewal — Partner

The Center for Infrastructure Renewal is joint center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, which was funded by the Texas Legislature in 2015. The Center develops transformative infrastructure solutions and trains the infrastructure workforce.
Center for International Intelligent Transportation Research (CIITR) — Lead

Established at TTI by the Texas Legislature in 2006, the center helps enhance the efficient, safe and secure movement of people and goods across U.S. borders.
Center for Ports & Waterways — Lead

The center was established at TTI by the Texas Legislature in 1995 to produce benefits-oriented research for the water transportation industry.
Center for Transportation Safety — Lead

Established by the Texas Legislature in 2001, the TTI center conducts traffic safety research, education and outreach.