For More Information

Srinivasa Sunkari, PE
Senior Research Engineer
Connected Infrastructure
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
Ph. (979) 317-2845 Ext. 42845
[email protected]

Highway work zone.

Connected transportation is a major evolution in how vehicles and infrastructure will interact in the future, affecting every facet of transportation safety and mobility. Vehicles and the infrastructure will be able to talk to each other and communicate their real-time conditions. The lifespan of this research is expected to last more than two decades as communication and message standards are developed, application development takes place, and new data collection and analysis techniques are developed to bring this transformational technology to the roadways we all drive.

The Connected Infrastructure Lab is a fully equipped collaborative work space where different disciplines can work together to develop, test and deploy next generation sensors and data applications for the connected and automated vehicle environment, as well as the overall infrastructure arena. The facilities will also be a living laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students as they develop expertise in connected transportation and grow into industry leaders in this emerging discipline.