For More Information

Lance Bullard
Senior Research Engineer
Roadside Safety and Physical Security Division
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The Texas A&M University System
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
Ph. (979) 317-2855 Ext. 42855
[email protected]

The Testing, Machining, and Repair Facility (formerly run by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station) is now part of TTI and is known as the Model and Machining (M&M) Center. Through over four decades of service, the center continues to support the university and system agencies by aiding in the design and manufacture of both scientific and prototype equipment necessary for research activities. The facility is housed in a 9,700-square-foot building near the TTI Proving Grounds at Riverside Campus and is equipped with a full range of machining and fabricating equipment.

The M&M Center is available to all Texas A&M University departments. Capabilities include the construction of models built “to scale” at specifications necessary to test real-world design requirements. From deep-water research to needs of the Space Shuttle and specialized injectors used by the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, the TTI M&M Center is dedicated to research support through the fabrication and repair of specialty instruments used in transportation and scientific settings.


The Model and Machining Center houses a variety of equipment and machines.

  • Small tool room lathes
  • Oil field lathes
  • Series I to series III size mills
  • Computer numerically controlled (CNC) lathes and mills
  • Surface grinders
  • Saws
  • Drill presses
  • Precision support machines