Dr. Eun Sug Park, a senior research scientist and accomplished statistician at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), has been honored as the recipient of the prestigious 2023 H.O. Hartley Award. The award is named in honor of Professor H.O. Hartley, an esteemed statistician who founded the Department of Statistics in 1963. This distinguished award was first presented in 1980 and is given annually to a former student of the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University who embodies the spirit of the Hartley tradition by contributing significantly to the advancement of the statistics discipline.
Since joining TTI in 2001, Dr. Park has taken the lead in modeling and data analysis for numerous transportation research studies, as well as conducted advanced research on environmental concerns and air pollution epidemiology. She is known for her research on safety evaluation of various countermeasures using advanced statistical methods, her research on the impact of public transportation on reducing air pollution and assessing health effects of traffic-related air pollution, and for her book on transportation statistics and traffic simulation. In recognition of her outstanding and highly relevant work, Dr. Park has accumulated multiple grants from various funding agencies at the national level. Dr. Park is a fellow of the American Statistical Association, an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Statistical Methods Committee and statistics editor for the journal Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.
“I’m humbled and honored to receive the H.O. Hartley Award,” says Park. “This award is especially meaningful to me because Dr. Hartley was not only the founder of the Department of Statistics at A&M but also a pioneer in real-world applications of statistics and an enthusiastic advocator for interdisciplinary collaboration. I am deeply indebted to all my collaborators, TTI colleagues and friends, and my family for their support.”
The award was presented to Dr. Park during the 2023 Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto, Canada.
The awards announcement was first published by the Texas A&M Department of Statistics.