TTI Assistant Research Scientist
Environmental ModelingTexas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 RELLIS Parkway, Room 3438
Bryan, TX 77807-3135
(979) 317-2805
[email protected]
Short Biography
Dr. Rohit Jaikumar is an Assistant Research Scientist and part of the Environmental Modeling Program within the Air Quality and Environment Division at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). In addition, Rohit is associated with TTI's Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH).
Rohit's responsibilities with the Environmental Modeling Program have included working on multiple projects analyzing traffic, emissions and air quality data. Prior to joining TTI, he has a lot of experience in characterization of vehicular activity and emissions under real world conditions as part of his PhD at IIT Madras, Chennai, India. He is currently working on various projects involving, database development, GIS, vehicular emissions modelling, dispersion modelling and exposure assessment.