TTI Assistant Research Scientist
Mobility AnalysisTexas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 RELLIS Parkway, Room 2238
Bryan, TX 77807-3135
(979) 317-2472
[email protected]
- M.S., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2017
- B.E., Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, 2012
Short Biography
Since joining TTI in 2014, Mr. Kartik Jha has been involved in urban mobility and travel reliability measurement, freight mobility, transportation equity, and special event traffic management projects. He has helped with research in areas involving exploration and application of travel time databases, system performance measurement for FHWA pooled fund study, developing port-level multi-modal freight fluidity performance management concept, using crowd-sourced data for traffic signal performance measurement and access management evaluation, using FAF database to determine value of truck freight flow between urban regions and on US roadways, as well as utilizing the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) for MAP-21 performance monitoring. His areas of interest lie in innovative applications of new-age data sources and transportation statistics in transportation system performance monitoring, transportation equity, and informed decision-making.
Prior to joining TTI, Mr. Jha worked as a highway design engineer with a design consultancy in India. During this time, he also gained some experience in projects in the areas of transportation planning, survey optimization and city transit planning.