For More Information

Anol Mukhopadhyay
Senior Research Scientist
Rigid Pavements
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
Ph. (979) 317-2298 Ext. 42298
[email protected]

A researcher examines a concrete slide sample.The Concrete Innovation Laboratory conducts research on all things that have to do with concrete. For example, it is essential that the power generation energy infrastructure migrate the damage done from alkali–silica reaction (ASR), or “concrete cancer” and similar expansion mechanisms in both above and below ground structures containment facilities. The lab has characterized a material model for the ASR-reactive aggregate mechanism to clearly distinguish good and bad aggregate sources. In addition, the lab holds professional development programs on how to engineer future concrete mixtures that are ASR-resistant.

Researchers in this lab are developing innovative and sustainable construction materials; alternative cementitious materials; concrete durability with new and innovative approaches; performance-based approaches to formulate concrete mixes for different sustainable applications; the recycling and reuse of waste and marginal materials; nanotechnology; high performance cement; innovative concrete curing practices; innovative approaches to studying concrete permeability and creep; durability-based specifications for high-performance concrete; innovative concrete pavement design; concrete microstructure; and material science aspects of cement, aggregate and concrete.