For More Information
Scott Cooner, P.E.
Research & Implementation - Fort Worth
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
801 Cherry Street, Suite 850
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Ph. (817) 462-0525
The Research & Implementation – Fort Worth Program and the Urban Analysis Program are located in TTI’s Fort Worth office. Working in coordination with the TTI Dallas office to support the TxDOT Dallas District, Research & Implementation – Fort Worth provides ongoing research and technical support to the Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso and Lubbock TxDOT Districts, DART and other sponsors. TTI researchers’ areas of expertise include freeway analysis, incident management, safety studies and ITS evaluation.
The Urban Analysis Program technical specialty is transportation planning. Researchers lead and assist in various transportation planning technical activities, such as developing and delivering professional development and policy training, direct technical assistance and technology transfer with sponsors, and applied research in the areas of transportation/air quality, access management, and traffic monitoring for planning.
Map to the TTI Fort Worth Office
Burnett Plaza801 Cherry Street, Suite 850
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Burnett Plaza, 801 Cherry Street, Suite 850, Fort Worth, TX
See area on Google Maps.
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