TTI assists El Paso in developing a multimodal transportation plan
What is the problem?
The development of multimodal plan helps fulfill the evolving needs of transportation consumers. Developing a multimodal transportation plan is challenging and complex, because travel mode availability, resource limitations, and various policy constraints. Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers were tasked by the El Paso MPO to assist in creating a multimodal transportation plan and help the city reach its goal to “become the least car-dependent city in the Southwest through meaningful travel options and land use patterns that support walkability, livability, and sustainability.”
How was the research done?
After a thorough background study, researchers assessed federal, state and local ordinances; local policies related to multimodal transportation; and best practices for multimodal transportation planning and implementation. In addition, the group researched intelligent transportation technologies referenced in pedestrian, bicycle, and transit legislation.
What was the result?
TTI researchers are providing detailed analyses and policy recommendations to El Paso’s local government. The analyses include a review of
- Federal and state statutes and policies;
- Local policies and transportation plans, such as “Plan El Paso”;
- Intelligent transportation technologies such as smartphones and ridesharing;
- Best practices in multimodal planning from organizations such as the Victoria Policy Institute in Canada, and the USDOT VOLPE Center; and
- A best practices model from the National Center for Transit Research at the University of Central Florida, which was modified to fit El Paso’s needs.
What are the research benefits?
This multimodal framework will potentially help El Paso provide meaningful travel options to all of their transportation consumers by assisting in determining the infrastructure needs of the various modes being studied (e.g., walking, cycling, and transit). If implemented, the project deliverables will contribute to El Paso’s transportation safety and cost effectiveness, while promoting less congestion, lower emissions, higher air quality and overall, healthier lifestyles for El Pasoans.
Project Title
Multimodal PlanProject Number
603711-00001 (TTI), CSJ 0924-06-452 (TxDOT)
Project Sponsor(s)
El Paso MPO
Project Category
Project Termination Date
December 2015
Project Publications
For More Information
Rafael Aldrete, Ph.D.
Senior Research ScientistResearch & Implementation - San Antonio/El Paso Region – 4050 Rio Bravo Dr., Suite 151
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The Texas A&M University System
El Paso, TX 79902
Ph. (915) 532-3759 Ext. 14101
[email protected]
Alfredo Sanchez, P.E.
Associate Research EngineerResearch & Implementation - San Antonio/El Paso Region – 4050 Rio Bravo Dr., Suite 151
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The Texas A&M University System
El Paso, TX 79902
Ph. (915) 532-3759 Ext. 14111
[email protected]