More than a dozen staff members representing various state legislators and committees visited TTI on February 21 to hear updates on some of the Institute’s high-priority efforts. The program lineup began with an overview of TTI by Agency Director Dennis Christiansen.
Other key research area presentations by TTI personnel included:
- Steve Roop provided a status update on the Freight Shuttle System, which was conceived to resolve freight transportation’s most pressing deficiency: the lack of a system suitable for high-volume traffic between two points located less than 600 miles apart.
- John Mounce briefly reviewed the Center for Transportation Safety’s 10-year history and highlighted several key program areas including distracted and impaired driving.
- Paul Carlson and Jeff Miles lead a tour of the Visibility Research Laboratory.
- Bill Stockton provided an update on the groundbreaking transportation planning I-35 project.
- David Ellis reviewed transportation financing mechanisms and The Transportation Revenue Estimator and Needs Determination System (T.R.E.N.D.S.)
The presentations concluded with a presentation from Roger Bligh on roadside safety and physical security.