Several Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) employees participated in the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB’s) Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology (SETT) Conference. TRB hosted the conference May 31–June 2 at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California.
“TTI was well represented at the TRB SETT Conference,” notes TTI Executive Associate Director Katie Turnbull. “The presentations and discussion were excellent, and it was great to interact with everyone.”
Ipek Sener, research scientist, and Tara Ramani, associate research engineer, were both on the SETT Conference Planning Committee. Sener moderated the breakout session Micromobility for All? and presented the poster Full-Chain Health Impact Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of Literature and A Conceptual Framework.
“It was a nice and unique conference!” Sener comments. “We had exciting discussions and presentations, and it was wonderful to finally gather for our first SETT conference and meet several colleagues and friends in person.”
Turnbull moderated the breakout session Travel Behavior & Early Adoption of Automated Technology and the closing plenary session. Alice Grossman, associate research scientist, moderated the panel Electrification — A Path to Decarbonization? and participated in the closing panel, presenting the energy decarbonization breakout track summary.
Grossman says, “The conference did a great job of bringing researchers and practitioners together to discuss how to bring engineering, planning and social science together to inform policy and work towards energy decarbonization goals.”