Union Pacific Railroad has awarded the Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI’s) Youth Transportation Safety (YTS) Program a two-year grant to continue funding transportation safety initiatives tailored to educating young people. The grant serves as an extension of a three-year partnership between YTS and Union Pacific and will contribute tremendously to the expansion of programs and projects dedicated to saving lives and reducing injuries of America’s youth. Through the Texas A&M Foundation, YTS secured $235,000 in funding.
“We are committed to encouraging safe behaviors and preventing tragedies through education and awareness, particularly through projects focused on railroad crossings, driver, bicycle and pedestrian safety,” notes Richard Zientek, senior director of public affairs at Union Pacific. “Continuing our partnership with TTI’s YTS Program and its many initiatives is an important step toward building and sustaining a safety mindset, especially around transportation, among our nation’s youth.”
TTI’s YTS Program seeks to save lives and prevent injury among youth through education, empowerment and peer-lead outreach. In addition to expanding current activities to reduce the number of transportation-related fatalities among youth, the grant will continue to develop the rail safety component of the YTS Program intended to address issues of driving and walking safely near railroad tracks.
“We are very excited about our continued partnership with Union Pacific,” says Russell Henk, YTS program manager. “Year after year, young drivers continue to experience the highest rate of transportation-related injuries and fatalities on our roadways. The support and partnership with Union Pacific will help us continue to develop and deliver the nation’s most comprehensive suite of transportation safety programs and projects addressing young driver and passenger safety.”