A report that builds on research conducted by Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers over a decade ago has recently been released.
Transportation Research Board’s (TRB’s) National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 432: Recent Roadway Geometric Design Research for Improved Safety and Operations reviews and summarizes roadway geometric design literature completed and published from 2001 through early 2011, particularly research that identified impacts on safety and operations. TTI Associate Research Engineer Marcus Brewer is the author of the report.
The report is an update of NCHRP Synthesis 299 on the same topic published in 2001 by TTI researchers Kay Fitzpatrick and Mark Wooldridge.
According to Brewer, Synthesis 432 contains updates on a variety of geometric design research emphasizing the effects on operations and safety, such as intersection control and roundabouts.
The report is structured to correspond to chapters in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, more commonly referred to as the Green Book.
“Being able to see it through from start to finish was very rewarding,” says Brewer. “There are more than 100 references coming from a variety of sources, including many reports that other TTI people have done. We want this to be a one-stop shop for people to come to and find the latest research related to design issues for the past 10 years.”
Brewer is presenting the Synthesis for a webinar on June 19. More information about the webinar, including a link to register, can be found at http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/167131.aspx.
Additional information on NCHRP Synthesis Report 432, and how to obtain a copy, can be found at http://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/166996.aspx.