TTI Senior Research Scientist
Program Manager
Rigid PavementsTexas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 RELLIS Parkway, Room 3162
Bryan, TX 77807-3135
(979) 317-2298
[email protected]
- Ph.D., Metamorphic Petrology and Geochemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, KGP, 1996
- M.Tech, Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology, KGP, 1990
- M.S., Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology, KGP, 1988
Short Biography
Dr. Mukhopadhyay has 20 years of experience in industry and academia and has been actively involved in developing, improving, and implementing technologies for highway and airfield concrete pavements for more than 15 years. He has served both as principal investigator and researcher in numerous projects sponsored by TxDOT, IPRF / AAPTP under FAA, Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), Bureau of Reclamation and other industries to improve concrete pavement technology totaling $1.9 million (past) and $1.5 million (current). He worked 5 years in the R&D of cement industries before joining TTI in 2001. He was actively involved in the development of special cements (e.g., reactive belie cement, drying shrinkage compensating cement, Calcium-sulphoaluminate cements) and multi-blended cement for high performance concrete.
Dr. Mukhopadhyay is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on concrete durability and has been invited to conduct workshops / technical sessions and be a keynote speaker in several conferences. His aggregate chemical ASR testing method (VCMD) has recently been accepted as a full standard by AASHTO (T364). His areas of research include concrete durability (e.g., alkali silica reaction), recycled and waste materials, effects of clay minerals in aggregates on PCC performance, cement chemistry, development of special cements, coal combustion by-products (conventional fly ashes and fluidized bed ash), cement paste rheology, dense-graded concrete and mobility, nano-materials, and concrete microstructures and petrography. During his research work he developed expertise on petrographic techniques (optical microscopes, SEM/EDS), along with other microstructural characterization techniques (XRD, DTA/TG, XRF, MIP, X-Ray CT) to characterize concrete microstructures.
Dr. Mukhopadhyay is actively serving numerous technical committees in ACI (Chair of ACI 221), ACI-SDC, TRB, ASTM, AASHTO as a Chair and voting members. He is also an adjunct Member of the Graduate Faculty, Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, and Texas A&M University and served/is serving as a Co-chair / member for several Ph.D. and master students. His work on “Evaluation of Alkali -Silica Reactivity Potential of Aggregate and Concrete by Using the VEMD Method: Performance Based Approach” was nominated for the best practice-ready paper award by the Design and Construction Group of the TRB in 2007. He has received outstanding researcher award from Texas A&M Transportation Institute in 2017. Dr. Mukhopadhyay is playing a dedicated leadership role to develop an advanced concrete materials laboratory in the new Center for Infrastructure Renewal (CIR) at the Texas A&M University RELLIS Campus, and has received several instrument grants to buy advanced equipment.