Research Specialist V
Environmental Testing FacilitiesTexas A&M Transportation Institute
1375 Flight line Rd., Room 101
Bryan, TX 77807-3135
(979) 317-2670
[email protected]
- B.S., Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2003
Short Biography
Mr. Johnson is currently a Research Specialist IV in the Environmental Testing Facilities at TTI. He has been with the program for over 14 years, with over 24 years of transportation related research experience.
His current role includes managing the Clean Transportation Research Complex (CTRC) located at the RELLIS campus of Texas A&M University. The CTRC includes two facilities, the Environmental and Emissions Research Facility (EERF) and the Grid Interactions Research Facility (GIRF). The EERF includes a state-of-the-art environmental test chamber, large enough to test full size tractor trailers, that allows for temperature and humidity-controlled testing. The testing is focused on the emissions, fuel economy, and range testing of vehicles. As part of a 2024 upgrade to the facility a heavy-duty chassis dynamometer was added, further expanding the capabilities at the facility. The GIRF was constructed as part of the 2024 upgrade and includes a power laboratory with equipment that allows for grid related research and simulations to be conducted.
Mr. Johnson has been involved in numerous testing and data collection projects during his time at TTI. He was involved in the design and testing for an On-road Heavy-duty Measurement System (OHMS), which is a technology used to identify high emitting vehicles a fleet, without the need to remove them from service for testing. He was also recently involved in an EPA study looking at the operation characteristics of non-road fleets in both the private and public sector. In addition to these projects, he has been involved in numerous other testing and data collection efforts, including emissions data, vehicle activity data, and long term air quality monitoring projects. His expertise includes emissions and fuel economy testing, activity data collection and analysis, and data analysis.