TTI Assistant Research Scientist
Behavioral ResearchTexas A&M Transportation Institute
505 East Huntland Drive, Room 45531
Austin, TX 78752
(512) 407-1126
- M.S., Urban Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2014
- B.A., Urban Studies, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 2012
Short Biography
Mr. Johnson has been with TTI since 2014 and has experience in behavioral research, field data collection, focus groups, survey design and administration, outreach and education, and analysis of crashes and laws. During his time at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) he has worked on projects that explore how human behavior affects traffic safety for all roads users, with a special emphasis on vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists. He is responsible for analysis of survey data, conducting field research, summary report writing and publication of survey results for the Behavioral Research Program at TTI. Additionally, he leads three TxDOT projects focused on outreach, education, and training to the public and law enforcement on pedestrian and bicycle laws as well as research into the barriers to the public’s understanding of these laws.
Mr. Johnson has served as a supporting researcher and co-author on publications related to pedestrian crossing devices and has led data collection for studies measuring driver yielding compliance at pedestrian crossings for both FHWA and TxDOT research projects and is well-versed in the techniques needed to properly measure driver yielding compliance. He has presented research results at state, national and international conferences, including the Transportation Research Board (TRB) annual meeting, Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities and the International Cycling Safety Conference, among others.
Mr. Johnson served on the City of College Station’s Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board and the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Active Transportation Advisory Panel. He is also a friend of the TRB pedestrian and bicycle committees.