TTI Research Scientist
Research & Implementation - HoustonTexas A&M Transportation Institute
701 N. Post Oak Road, Suite 430
Houston, TX 77024-3827
(713) 613-9209
[email protected]
- M.C.R.P, Urban Planning, University of Texas at Austin, 1997
- B.A., History, University of Michigan, 1992
Short Biography
Jeff Kaufman has been a Research Scientist at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) since February 2017. His responsibilities involve working with the TxDOT-Houston District on various ITS and operational matters including real-time systems monitoring and reporting, smart work zone systems, wrong way detection systems, and incident management. Mr. Kaufman serves as the TTI liaison to the Houston TranStar Leadership and Executive Committees. Jeff also led the Every Day Counts (EDC4)/Texas Statewide Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) research for improving data collection for enhanced traffic incident management, as well as the EDC6/Texas STIC research for bringing multi-agency 911 data into traffic management centers in Texas’s major metropolitan areas.
Prior to working for TTI, Mr. Kaufman worked for the Houston MPO for 13 years working on a variety of topics including the development of a Houston-region traffic safety program, the revamping of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Traffic Management Plan for hurricane evacuations after Hurricane Rita, maintenance of Houston’s regional ITS Architecture, development of a regional traffic incident management plan, and establishing an incident management training program for first responders. Jeff was involved in re-establishing the free-tow, quick-clearance program (now Tow-and-Go), including the incorporation of Harris County Sheriff’s Office for tow authorization and the negotiation of the City of Houston’s participation in the program. Jeff assisted with traffic management and monitoring at Houston TranStar during the 2008 hurricane season, involving five separate activations, including Hurricane Ike. Mr. Kaufman also served on the ITS Texas Board of Directors for seven years, serving as its President in 2016.