TTI Research Scientist
Roadside Safety & Physical SecurityTexas A&M Transportation Institute
1254 Avenue A, Room 111
Bryan, TX 77807
(979) 317-2682
- Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1995
- M.S., Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1989
- B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Baghdad, 1986
Short Biography
Dr. Abu-Odeh is a research scientist in the Highway Safety Structures program at TTI. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University. Since joining TTI in late 1995, Dr. Abu-Odeh has been actively involved in finite element modeling and simulation of vehicular impacts with roadside safety structures using LS- DYNA. Recent projects include the successful development of finite element models of a guardrail on slope, hardware on barriers, median W-Beam barrier and a MASH TL-3 compliant short radius design . All of these designs subsequently passed the MASH evaluation criteria. Dr. Abu-Odeh has broad experience in numerical simulation of structural systems based on formal course work of finite element analysis of structures and extensive use of finite element codes such as LS-DYNA , ABAQUS and point cloud (Scanning) specialty codes such as Geomagic and RapidForm.
Dr. Abu-Odeh has broad experience in numerical simulation of structural systems based on formal course work of finite element analysis of structures and extensive use of finite element codes such as LS-DYNA and ABAQUS. Dr. Abu-Odeh's other research/professional interests include design optimization of structures and structural dynamics.