TTI Senior Research Scientist
Regulatory Analysis & EngagementTexas A&M Transportation Institute
505 East Huntland Drive, Suite 455
Austin, TX 78752
(512) 407-1116
[email protected]
- M.A.Geo., Geography, Southwest Texas State University, 2001
- B.A., Economic Geography, University of Texas at Austin, 1988
Short Biography
Ms. Geiselbrecht is a senior research scientist with over 20 years of applied research experience. She is also a Certified Public Participation Professional (CP3) by the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). She leads the Planning and Engagement program at TTI. Her research focuses on innovation in the public involvement process. Using qualitative and quantitative public opinion research, Ms. Geiselbrecht supports agencies in conducting meaningful engagement to facilitate transportation and policy decision making. She has led numerous research projects that have produced deliverables that help agencies engage the public and stakeholders in decision-making. Ms. Geiselbrecht has developed and designed materials to communicate such complex topics as transportation funding, strategic planning, dynamic pricing on managed lanes and mileage-based user fees, to name a few. She has facilitated over 150 focus groups for both internal and external audiences, and she has conducted more than 200 structured interviews with various elected officials, stakeholders, and special interest groups.
Ms. Geiselbrecht also serves on the Board of Directors for the US affiliate of IAP2. She was elected to this position in 2016. Ms. Geiselbrecht has served on the IAP2 Professional Certification Task Force since 2014. Ms. Geiselbrecht is also a member of the Transportation Research Board Public Engagement and Communication committee and the Transportation Demand Management committee.