NTCIP Laboratory Testing for Actuated Signal Controllers
R.F. De Roche
Publication Date:
April 2006
This project was intended to serve as a foundation for demonstrating how an independent testing facility can serve as a linkage between standards development, implementation, and deployment. In essence, the concept of a testing lab can be used to resolve issues related to the implementation of a standard, thereby enhancing the quality of the standard and increasing the likelihood of a successful field deployment.
The goals of this project were to develop test plans and procedures for assessing the implementation of the NTCIP standards by different traffic signal controller manufactures; and to apply those test on actual equipment to assess the effectiveness of the NTCIP standards to promote interoperability. Further, it was our intent to provide feedback to the standards developers on any issues encountered with the standards themselves.
Four traffic signal controller manufacturers participated in the project. These four manufacturers represent over half of the U.S. marketplace in traffic signal controllers. These manufacturers provided equipment for testing and worked with Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) to resolve implementation issues encountered during testing that were related to the NTCIP Traffic Actuated Signal Controller standard. As part of our agreement with the manufacturers, test results on their equipment are being kept confidential.
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