Active Transportation and Demand Management Texas Test Bed
J.A. Shelton, G.A. Valdez Ceniceros, J.T. Williams, B.T. Kuhn, S.G. Bricka, M.M. Moran
Publication Date:
October 2014
Researchers used a state-of-the-art modeling methodology to analyze traffic congestion in and around IH 35 in Central Texas. The goal was to look at the big picture of travel patterns and congestion on the IH 35 main lane corridor. A base model of the adopted Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization?s plan was converted to a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model capable of analyzing traffic operations on a time-dependent basis. The dynamic traffic assignment model developed is one of the most comprehensive tolling models in the country. Researchers used a combination of static, time-dependent, and congestive-responsive tolling strategies for various corridors in the Austin metropolitan area. Multiple scenarios were modeled and built off the base model developed under Rider 42. Strategies modeled included time-dependent pricing, reversible lanes, ramp metering, en-route diversion, and demand management in various combinations to determine the best approach to address oversaturated networks.
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