Recommended Access Management Guidelines for Texas
W.L. Eisele, W.E. Frawley
Publication Date:
August 2006
This report documents the research performed during this two-year research project to provide recommendations for the use of access management techniques on state roadways in Texas. In the first year of the project, the research team focused on developing a matrix of guidelines for the application of different access management techniques for various roadway access classifications. The access management treatments for which recommended guidelines are presented include access spacing, corner clearance, median treatments, auxiliary lanes, alternate left-turn treatments, access separation at interchanges, frontage roads, and the use of traffic impact analyses for site development. The matrix allows the user to identify critical threshold criteria for the application of each access management technique for each roadway access classification. In the second year of the project, the matrix has been revised. The revised matrix and supporting information is presented in this document. The guidelines presented in this report will be valuable for state transportation professionals for use on new and retrofit projects as a toolbox of techniques for managing access to all state roadways thus preserving the intended use of these facilities.
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