Technical Reports
“Analysis and Integration of Spatial Data for Transportation Planning,” by Stephen Sebesta, 0-6071-1, September 15, 2009.
“Assessment of a Traffic Monitoring System for a Major Traffic Generator to Improve Regional Planning: Technical Report,” by Todd Carlson, 0-5531-2, November 4, 2009.
“Capacity and Road User Cost Analysis of Selected Freeway Work Zones in Texas,” by Darrell Borchardt, 0-5619-1, September 15, 2009.
“Considerations for Rigid vs. Flexible Pavement Design When Allowed as Alternate Bids: Technical Report,” by Andrew Wimsatt, 0-6085-1, November 5, 2009.
“Corrosion Performance Tests for Reinforcing Steel in Concrete: Technical Report,” by David Trejo, 0-4825-1, November 4, 2009.
“Crash Testing and Evaluation of TxDOT Burn Ban Signs,” by Roger Bligh, 0-5210-5, September 15, 2009.
“Development of a Video over IP Guidebook,” by Bob Brydia, 0-5942-1, November 4, 2009.
“Driver Comprehension of Managed Lane Signing,” by Sue Chrysler, 0-5446-3, September 30, 2009.
“Dynamic Testing of the T223 Bridge Rail,” by William Williams, 0-5210-8, September 15, 2009.
“Effect of Voids in Grouted Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction: Inspection and Repair Manual for External,” by David Trejo, 0-4588-2, November 18, 2009.
“Performance Evaluation of Cable Median Barrier Systems in Texas,” by Scott Cooner, 0-5609-1, October 23, 2009.
“Mechanistic-Empirical Asphalt Overlay Thickness Design and Analysis System,” by Fujie Zhou, 0-5627-3, November 10, 2009.
“Evaluating and Improving Incident Management Using Historical Incident Data: Case Studies at Texas Transportation Management Centers,” by Praprut Songchitruksa, 0-5485-1, October 23, 2009.
“Potential Development of an Intercity Passenger Transit System in Texas — Report on Tasks 1-5,” by Curtis Morgan, 0-5930-1, November 16, 2009.
“Predicting Asphalt Mixture Skid Resistance Based on Aggregate Characteristics,” by Eyad Masad, 0-5123-1, October 2, 2009.
“The Role of Preferential Treatment for Carpools in Managed Lanes,” by Ginger Goodin, 0-5286-2, October 2, 2009.
“Simplified Method for Estimating Scour at Bridges,” by Jean-Louis Briaud, 0-5505-1, October 5, 2009.
“Transportation, Social and Financial Impacts of Light and Commuter Rail,” by Jeff Arndt, 0-5652-1, October 8, 2009.
Project Summary Reports and Products
“An Assessment of a Traffic Monitoring System for a Major Traffic Generator to Improve Regional Planning: Slide Presentation,” by Paul Krugler, 0-5534-S, November 12, 2009.
“Asset Management — Texas Style,” by Todd Carlson, 0-5531-P4, October 14, 2009.
“Cable Median Barrier Maintenance Manual,” by Scott Cooner, 0-5609-P1, September 15, 2009.
“Corrosion Performance Tests for Reinforcing Steel in Concrete: Test Procedures,” by David Trejo, 0-4825-P1, October 23, 2009.
“Effect of Voids in Grouted, Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridge Construction,” by David Trejo, 0-4588-S, September 16, 2009.
“Field Manual for the Operation of Advance Warning of End of Green System (AWEGS),” by Srinivasa Sunkari, 5-5113-01-P1, November 4, 2009.
“Frontage Road Yield Treatment Analysis Tool (FRYTAT) Database: User Guide,” by Kwaku Obeng-Boampong, 0-4986-P2, October 1, 2009.
“Guidance on Mitigating Impacts of Large Distribution Centers on Texas Highways,” by Brian Bochner, 0-5335-S, September 17, 2009.
“Guidebook for Development of Traffic Monitoring Systems for Major Traffic Generators in the State of Texas,” by Todd Carlson, 0-5531-P3, October 9, 2009.
“Guidelines for Ramp Terminal Spacing for Freeways,” by Kay Fitzpatrick, 0-5860-S, November 18, 2009.
“How Do Carpools Fit Into Managed Lane Policies?,” by Ginger Goodin, 0-5286-P2, October 2, 2009.
“Horizontal Curve Signing Workshop,” by James Bonneson, 5-5439-01-P1, September 18, 2009.
“Implementation of Advance Warning of End of Green System (AWEGS): Implementation Report,” by Srinivasa Sunkari, 5-5113-01-1, September 21, 2009.
TTI Publications
A full catalog of TTI publications and other products is online at You can find the publications by searching for either the title or publication number listed here. Most of these publications are available as free downloads in portable document format (PDF).
Printed, bound versions of these reports are also available through the URL above.