Video Summary Reports
Video Summary Reports are available on the Texas Department of Transportation’s Research and Technology Implementation Office’s YouTube channel at
Develop Practical Field Guidelines for the Compaction of HMA or WMA, 0-6992.
Developing a Testing Device for Total Pavements Acceptance, 0-6005.
Development of Very Thin Overlay Systems, 0-5598.
Evaluation of Modern Traffic Control Devices to Improve Safety at Rural Intersections, 0-6462.
FDR (Full-Depth-Reclamation) Performance Based Design, Construction, and Quality Control, 0-6271.
Performance Evaluation and Mix Design for High RAP Mixtures, 0-6092.
Technical Reports
Alternative Methods of Flexible Base Compaction Acceptance, by Stephen Sebesta, 0-6587-2, December 14, 2012.
Implementation of New Pavement Performance Prediction Models in PMIS: Report, by Nasir Gharaibeh, 5-6386-01-1, December 13, 2012.
MASH Test 3-11 on the T131RC Bridge Rail, by William Williams, 9-1002-12-1, November 1, 2012.
MASH TL-3 Testing and Evaluation of a Steel Bridge Rail with Pickets, by William Williams, 9-1002-12-2, November 7, 2012.
Performance and Cost Effectiveness of Permeable Friction Course (PFC) Pavements, by Edith Arambula, 0-5836-2, February 14, 2013.
Structural Assessment of “D” Regions Affected by Premature Concrete Deterioration: Technical Report, by John Mander, 0-5997-1, December 21, 2012.
Synthesis of Port Related Freight Improvement Studies: Technical Report, by Katie Turnbull, 0-6808-1, November 30, 2012.
Project Summary Reports and Products
Best Practices for Utility Investigations in the TxDOT Project Development Process, by Edgar Kraus, 0-6631-S, February 4, 2013.
Bioretention for Highway Stormwater Quality Improvement in Texas, by Ming-Han Li, 0-5949-S, December 10, 2012.
Compare Trailer-Mounted Attenuators vs. Truck-Mounted Attenuators Protection for Workers, by LuAnn Theiss, 0-6707-S, December 13, 2012.
Development and Field Evaluation of the Next Generation of HMA Mix Design Procedures, by Tom Scullion, 0-6132-S, December 19, 2012.
Guidelines for Continuous and Safety Roadway Lighting, by Gene Hawkins, 0-6645-S, December 18, 2012.
Guidelines for Determining the Capacity of D-Regions with Premature Concrete Deterioration of ASR/DEF, by John Mander, 0-5997-P1, December 14, 2012.
Guidelines for the Effective Use of Flexible Pylons for Congestion Mitigation, Access Management, and Safety Improvement, by Robert Benz, 0-6643-S, December 18, 2012.
Impacts on Texas Ports from the Panama Canal Expansion, by Katie Turnbull, 0-6800-S, January 22, 2013.
Improving the Response and Participation by Utility Owners in the Project Development Process, by Cesar Quiroga, 0-6624-S,
December 19, 2012.
Next Generation Mix Design Procedures and Recommendations for Texas (Study 0-6132), by Tom Scullion, 0-6132-P1, December 18, 2012.
The OT Tex-248-F Updates and Some Video Demos, by Lubinda Walubita, 0-6607-P2, January 17, 2013.
Performance Evaluation and Mix Design for High RAP Mixture, by Fujie Zhou, 0-6092-S, December 17, 2012.
Performance of Permeable Friction Course (PFC) Pavements over Time, by Amy Epps Martin, 0-5836-S, December 19, 2012.
Quantifying the Effects in Order to Optimize the Use of Grade 3 and Grade 4 Seal Coats, by Paul Krugler, 0-6496-S, December 7, 2012.
Safety and Integrity of Median Barrier-Mounted Hardware, by Akram Abu-Odeh, 0-6646-S, February 8, 2013.
Search for a Test for Fracture Potential of Asphalt Mixes, by Lubinda Walubita, 0-6607-S, December 14, 2012.
Treatments for Clays in Aggregates Used to Produce Cement Concrete, Bituminous Materials and Chip Seals, by Anol Mukhopadhyay, 0-6444-S, December 19, 2012.
Use of Fine Graded Mixes for Pavement Preservation: Workshop Materials, by Tom Scullion, 0-6615-P2, January 8, 2013.
TTI Publications
A full catalog of TTI publications and other products is online at You can find the publications by searching for either the title or publication number listed here. Most of these publications are available as free downloads in portable document format (PDF).
Printed, bound versions of these reports are also available through the URL above.