Only weeks before his retirement, Director Herb Richardson has been notified that he is the recipient of the 2006 Roy W. Crum Distinguished Service Award’one of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) most prestigious honors. The Crum Award recognizes outstanding achievement in transportation research and will be presented at the Chairman’s Luncheon at the TRB Annual […]
Richardson to Receive TRB Honor
Gallaway Invitational Held Sunday
The 80th Annual Short Course informally kicked off Sunday with the Gallaway Invitational Golf Tournament held at Briarcrest Country Club in Bryan. Pictured, clockwise from left: TTI veteran and tournament namesake Bob Gallaway takes a putt; players found the driving range popular; TTI volunteers help with tournament registration.
Christiansen Selected Sole Finalist for Director of TTI
The Board of Regents of the Texas A&M University System has unanimously selected Dr. Dennis L. Christiansen as the sole finalist for the position of director of the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI). When appointed, Christiansen, the current deputy director of TTI, will succeed Dr. Herbert H. Richardson, who is retiring after 22 years of service […]
New Research to Aid in Reducing Motorcycle Alcohol Crashes, Improve Motorcycle Safety
TTI’s Center for Transportation Safety (CTS) has been awarded two separate contracts totaling approximately $260,000 to address alcohol-impaired motorcycle riding and to improve motorcycle safety and increase motorcycle awareness. In the first contract, awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the CTS, in collaboration with the University of North […]
Bethune to be Inducted into Texas Transportation Hall of Honor
Gordon Bethune, former Chairman and CEO of Continental Airlines, will be inducted into the Texas Transportation Hall of Honor Sept.14. The induction ceremony will be in the Founders Lounge at the Houston Hobby Center for the Performing Arts in Houston, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Speakers at the ceremony will include Houston Mayor Bill White, Continental Airlines […]
TTI Launches New Site
For the first time in almost a decade, TTI’s internet site has been completely revamped and is available to the public starting Sept 4. “This website represents months of full-time work from dozens of people who have brought our organization into the 21st century,” says TTI’s Chief Information Officer and Internet Project Manager Kassandra Agee-Letton. […]
Director Nominee List Increases
The number of candidates who have reached the interview stage for the position of TTI Director now includes at least one additional candidate. Hani Mahmassani, the founding Director of the Maryland Transportation Initiative at the University of Maryland, is scheduled for interviews in College Station on August 29-30. Dr. Mahmassani received his PhD in Transportation […]
TTI Named Lead Agency for University Transportation Center
The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) has been named lead agency for the Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC), overseeing an annual $2 million dollar grant for the next four years. The United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) made the announcement recently following a competitive process. The grant money was allocated by congress in last […]
Ports and Waterways Conference
The two-day, 2006 Texas Ports and Waterways Conference sponsored by TTI wrapped up July 28 in Beaumont with more than 90 professionals in attendance. The conference focused on providing practical information for port authorities, engineers, consultants, government officials and others who deal with the development and management of port facilities in Texas. “The feedback I […]
TTI Tests School Bus Emissions
Do alternative fuels really help the environment? Are they safer for our kids? The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) is hoping to find the answers by using its state-of-the art, portable, emission testing equipment on Brazos Valley school busses. The testing is being performed at TTI’s test track at the Riverside Campus. The tests will compare […]
AGC Texas leader named to state’s Transportation Hall of Honor
AUSTIN – Thomas L. Johnson, Sr., Executive Vice President of the Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Texas, will be the 21st person inducted into the Texas Transportation Hall of Honor. Transportation officials with honor Johnson on Wednesday, June 7, during a 10:30 a.m. ceremony at the Dewitt C. Greer Building, located at 125 East 11th […]
Child in Crash Okay after TTI Safety Event
When Charlot Finnigan came to TTI’s Child Safety Seat “check-up” event Dec.13, she had no idea it would become perhaps one of the most important decisions of her life. On Jan. 15, as Charlot and her husband were driving south on Texas Avenue, a car pulled out from a parking lot, causing a collision that […]
TTI establishes new research center in El Paso
EL PASO – The Texas Transportation Institute, the nation’s largest transportation research agency of its kind, has established an El Paso research center with new state funding secured by State Senator Eliot Shapleigh. The Institute opened in 1950 and works to create technologies and solve problems in all modes of transportation – highway, rail, air, […]
Traffic Problems for Mid-Sized Cities Addressed
The growing problem of traffic congestion in the Bryan/College Station area received some attention from Congress last Friday as the Transportation Appropriations Committee dedicated $400,000 to the issue as part of a $5.2 million transportation package for Brazos County. Once approved, the funds will be used by a unique collaboration among TTI, Texas A&M University, […]
TTI/MARAD Collaboration Announced
HOUSTON – The Center for Ports & Waterways (CPW) at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) will soon begin a study for the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) to update a comparison of freight transportation methods. The collaboration will provide an up-to-date analysis of the environmental impacts of barge transportation compared to other modes, such as highway […]
All Lanes Open at Pecos Testing Site
PECOS- A unique public-private collaboration was born this week when the final papers were signed creating the Southwest Center for Transportation Research and Testing. The 5,800 acre complex is an academic-industry-public collaboration between the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), Applied Research Associates (ARA) and the Pecos Economic Development Corporation (PEDC). TTI Deputy Director Dennis Christiansen said […]
Transportation Hall of Honor inducts three new members
AUSTIN – Officials on Tuesday honored three long-time public servants for their contributions to transportation throughout Texas, making E. Neveille Colson, Doug Pitcock, Jr. and Ray Stoker, Jr. the three newest members of the Texas Transportation Hall of Honor. The three were recognized during a ceremony and luncheon featuring State Senator Todd Staples, chairman of […]
New System Saves Lives at Rural Intersections
Researchers at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) have developed a new system to improve the safety at high-speed rural intersections by reducing red-light violations and sudden stops by up to 70 percent. Drivers approaching a high-speed rural intersection with a green signal that suddenly changes to yellow have a split second to make an important […]
Annual study shows nation’s traffic troubles growing worse
College Station, Texas — Despite slow growth in jobs and travel, traffic congestion continues to worsen, researchers say, costing Americans $63.1 billion a year. The 2005 Urban Mobility Report measures traffic congestion trends from 1982 to 2003, reflecting the most recent data available. If today’s higher fuel prices are factored in, the cost jumps another […]
Part two of bicycle use study begins on Texas A&M campus next week
College Station, Texas — Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) researchers will begin the second part of a bicycle use study on the Texas A&M campus next week. The study, sponsored by the Southwest University Transportation Center, is expected to help local officials improve bike routes, enhance safety and encourage more bike use locally. The study will […]