The peace and quiet rural Texas is known for can sometimes contribute to the notion that a quiet life in the country means that no problems exist. Yet many Texans who enjoy country living still have mobility needs, and that tranquil image can make it difficult for rural transportation providers to secure funding to meet […]
Rural Transportation
Why Maintaining a Lone Desert Highway Matters to Us All
By Katherine F. Turnbull For all of the contrasts that distinguish urban and rural Texans, one thing that unites us all is the need for reliable transportation. Exactly what that reliable transportation looks like depends on where we choose to live. Regardless of that choice, certain interests and challenges are commonly shared. Safety and mobility are at […]
Rural Texas Highways Give Us a Reliable Path to the Pump
By William R. Stockton Your car’s next tank of gas is on its way to you. You can be assured of that, even though the journey it takes to get there is a sometimes arduous one. That journey could begin at one of hundreds of active oil wells in Texas, located predominantly in remote rural […]
Rural Transportation Needs Highlighted at Policy Symposium
Local and statewide policy makers from around Texas gathered on November 13 to discuss a wide range of challenges facing rural sectors of the state, and transportation issues were high on the agenda. “The Future of Rural Texas” symposium on the Texas A&M University campus was hosted by The Texas Tribune and co-sponsored by the […]