TTI Provides Guidelines for Ports Seeking TRZ Financing IN 2007, THE TEXAS LEGISLATURE ENABLED A NEW FINANCING MECHANISM, the transportation reinvestment zone (TRZ), to encourage local infrastructure development. TRZs have proven very successful over the last decade for highway development. TRZs designate an impact area around a needed improvement project. A municipality or county can […]
transportation reinvestment zone
TTI Requests Input Regarding Transportation Reinvestment Zones
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) is requesting input from county and city officials regarding Transportation Reinvestment Zones (TRZ) (this does not include County Energy Transportation Reinvestment Zones). The purpose of the study is to identify the advantages, disadvantages and lessons learned by local governments and other agencies that have considered or may be utilizing […]
Texas Legislature Redefines Transportation Reinvestment Zones
The term hasn’t made it into daily conversation yet, but “transportation reinvestment zone” (TRZ) will likely become a familiar phrase among Texas taxing authorities soon.