Innovations in technology — like electric, hydrogen-fueled and hybrid cars — and improved gas mileage have resulted in flat gas-tax revenues…demands on the transportation network have continued to rise.
TTI’s SEC Lab Expands to Meet Demand
For years, TTI’s SEC Laboratory has provided sponsors with a state-of-the-art facility for assessing sediment and erosion control products. This expansion will more than double our current capabilities and reduce the waiting list.
TTI Sponsors Fifth Annual MBUF Symposium
TTI sponsored the fifth MBUF symposium, held this year in conjunction with the ITS America’s 23rd Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Texas and the Panama Canal Expansion
TxDOT formed the Panama Canal Stakeholder Working Group in 2012…TTI assisted TxDOT with the working group meetings, reviewed previous studies and prepared the working group report.
Rider 42: “Bang for the Buck” and “Fast Planning”
Lawmakers set aside money to get the state’s highest-priority roadway projects moving…They turned to TTI to help partner agencies prioritize projects to achieve the biggest bang for the buck.
Texas Legislature Redefines Transportation Reinvestment Zones
The term hasn’t made it into daily conversation yet, but “transportation reinvestment zone” (TRZ) will likely become a familiar phrase among Texas taxing authorities soon.
Pilot Virtual Open House Ushers in New Era of Public Engagement
TTI, working with TxDOT and CTRMA, recently developed a virtual open house website as an online forum for the general public to learn about possible improvements to the Oak Hill Parkway project in Austin, Texas.
Revisiting Rural Rail Districts
When a rural rail line is removed due to unprofitability, the affected towns are quick to seek options, like a rural rail transportation district (RRTD), to remedy
the loss.