How do transportation projects and programs get funded? What is the impact of state legislation and regional policy? The Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) Austin Chapter recently hosted a Transportation Financing Round Table to answer these and other questions from Central Texas transportation professionals who hope to become more knowledgeable on how transportation is financed […]
Young Professionals in Transportation Leading the Charge in Houston
The next generation of transportation professionals has a challenging future ahead of them dealing with a wide range of issues from public policy to financing the roadways. This makes sharing information among colleagues important, and a young transportation professionals group in Houston is leading the way. This past year, young professionals from the Texas A&M […]
Calling all TTI Young Professionals in the Houston/BCS Area-Join YPT!
Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) provides professional development, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young transportation professionals. Founded by several ambitious young transportation engineers, planners, and public policy professionals in the Washington, D.C. area, there’s now an established chapter in most major cities in the U.S. YPT partners with the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the American […]