Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp visited TTI Jan. 12, telling Institute officials, “TTI is the shining star of the A&M System, so you don’t have to win me over; you just have to educate me.”
Sharp, who became the 14th chancellor of the A&M System on Aug. 15, spent the afternoon learning firsthand about numerous aspects of TTI including its history, accomplishments and ongoing projects. He toured the Visibility Research Laboratory and viewed presentations about TTI’s legislative studies, the I-35 Expansion Project, the Roadside Safety and Physical Security Program, and — in what evoked a lot of enthusiasm from the chancellor — the Institute’s development of the Freight Shuttle System.
After the afternoon gathering, Sharp admitted to TTI staff that he had a high opinion of the Institute even before the meeting. “This is an amazing place. It’s more impressive than I ever thought it was before.”